One Litte Word

Ali Edwards is someone I really admire.  I want to be her sometimes.  Ok, that sounds a little creepy. 
But she is definitely a massive inspiration.  I love how she makes every day life meaningful.  I love how she leads through example, and encourages you to see the stories which threads your life together.  I love how she then ties it all together with creativity.   

Today I discovered she is running a year-long workshop around her One Little Word tradition.
I've been following this since I chose my word "foundation" in 2008.
This was followed by "build" in 2009.  And this year my word was "action".
I do believe in some way, the intention when choosing a word at the start of the year has propelled my life in subtle ways I may not even be aware of; so the thought of a workshop which gently brings this back into your consciousness every month could be an extraordinarily powerful thing.

I haven't completely decided on my word for 2011 yet, although I have a shortlist; but there's not even a moments hesitation before I sign up for this.

image from Big Picture Scrpbooking

Days 4 & 5

I am having a lot of fun so far with my December Daily album and finding a lot of inspiration from Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas prompts and Ali Edward's December Daily Flickr pool. 

I have to say the Picture the Holidays class hasn't really got me yet, although I have utilised the daily prompts in Days 1-4.

How are you getting on?

Day 1 - December Daily

Okay, so it was a little more complicated than I thought, trying to take and incorporate, ingredients from 3 classes into one!

My main dilemma is where (and how) to tell the story.
My eventual aim is to get the pages printed into a photobook, so it will be something I want to show others.  As a result, I don't want the journalling to be too personal.  Equally I will want to look back through it 10, 15, 20 years from now, and remember what I was feeling.  It's a tough line to tread! 

In the end I did most of my journalling off line and print, and used the prompt from Picture the Holidays to write the couple of lines I did.  

My December Daily

So, the mayhem starts tomorrow!
And I say this as someone who doesn't have a large family to worry about, or children for that matter, and I still struggle!

This year I am making a revived attempt to Journal [my] Christmas, and (hopefully) combine it with my December Daily album, whilst being inspired and motivated by 30 Days of Festive Photography.  Good plan?  I thought it should all work pretty well togther.

Now I was trying to give myself a head start by at least getting the template of my December Daily album ready.  I've decided to go completely digital this year (much to the disgust of some of my scrappy friends no doubt :) but I need to give myself at least a fighting chance of completing this!  Unfortunately it's Day 1 tomorrow, and I've only managed to get up to Day 7 so far.  Oops. 
But Cam is working late tonight, so maybe I can crack on with this...

I've used embellishments from Weeds and Wildflower's Jolly Holiday range and the page templates are from Oscraps Paislee Press Snapshot No 2. 

There's no hope for me...

I took an inadvertent blogging break recently whilst deciding whether this blog had a place in my life.  I am trying to build a business, and I worried that this blog (not to mention it's contents) were having a detrimental effect on the more serious work I should be undertaking.

Then this popped up, then this, and this, and this!

I will be blogging about them all at some point or another I am sure.
But today the spotlight it on Blog Love E-course.
I am tempted.  Seriously tempted, and one of the main arguments going on in my head is: "It will be good for business!"  See, I am so crafty; by making it sound like a business investment, it somehow it becomes more justifiable!

Jokes aside though, I do think blogging will play a large part of any small business in the future.  As we move from the invisible mass market, to the individual and personal - a blog can be the defining factor.  In fact one of the brides who booked me recently actually said, "I especially love the blog as well- it clinched it for me!" So thinking more carefully about the message it displays about me, about my business, can only serve me well...  All that for $32.  Can you really argue?

* image from Red Velvet Art

Friday Find: Inspiration Everywhere

I really want my Friday Finds to be something that nourishes creativity without necessarily a financial cost, and I was struggling to come up with something new this week.  Then, as if by magic, a tweet from Ali Edwards comes flying in, introducing her new sponsor, Jessica Sprague.

A quick link across, and Jessica is hosting a 10 day free e-class covering "five different paths to inspiration." 10 days sounds positively do-able!

I've never taken a Jessica Sprague class before, although I know she was a pioneer in digital scrapbooking,  and has built up a diverse range of classes since.  I have often been curious, so this is the perfect opportunity to dip my toes in. 

Holiday choices!

Cover Close Up

So the holiday season is literally round the corner.  My imaginary life has gone into overdrive with handmade decorations, gingerbread houses and beautifully wrapped presents.  My reality is I haven't even got the Christmas cards sorted.   Regardless though, I am already being tempted by the variety of holiday e-courses on offer, after all I should really document all this burgeoning creativity, right?

My bank balance puts a limit on what I can realistically do - so, for the third year running, I'm going to try and try again to follow along with Ali Edward's December Daily.   But for those with a little more spare cash, there are some wonderful looking courses out there.  Here's the Top 3 on my Wish List:

Winter Stories
I've been a long time admirer of Hope's blog, and her super artsy journalling pages, in fact her journalling e-courses are high on my non-holiday Wish List!
Just the vintage retro styling of the course badges alone makes me want to sign up, and this Winter offering is a collaboration with Kari Ramstrom of Arsty Mama, so I just know it's going to packed to the brim with creativity.  

30 days of Festive Photography
A workshop run by Tracey Clark, photographer and founder of Shutter Sisters, this could be the perfect complement to my December Daily album.  Tracey has been running seasonal workshops on Big Picture Scrapbooking this year, and I wish I had been taking them.  Can you imagine what a fabulous album I would have by the end of the year?  Oooh, Spring is available as self-paced workshop... I wonder if the rest will be?

Journal your Christmas
This was my first ever e-course, and I have yet to complete it.
Thank heavens Shimelle generously allows the alumni of her e-courses to continue participating each year at no extra cost despite always adding new material each year. 
Could this be my year?

* main image is from Ali Edwards and is of her 2010 cover.

Friday Find: Art, Heart & Healing

Forgive me, as I don't remember where I saw the link to Tam's online Art Course, except for the fact that I was excited to be led back to her whimsical world.  You see, about a year or so ago, I became very interested in mixed media art journalling.  Unfortunately the perfectionist in me spoiled all the fun, and after a few disastrous attempts at translating my mind's eye, I threw in the towel.

During this time however, I happened upon Tam, and purchased the DVD of her original World of Whimsy course.  Yes, it's another half completed course, but who knows, I may be ready to dust off the covers of my moleskine sketchbook and try again!

Anyhow, I discovered today that Tam is generously running a free online Art Course.
It commenced officially on 18th October, but from what I can see, all materials are available on the members group site - and the first week alone is 2 hours worth of video! 
That should keep me busy this weekend :)

* image by Tam

Buy Handmade

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

This year I really want to take a step closer to something I have been thinking about for a long time.
Yes, I am going to try and move closer to the doing, as opposed to being stuck in the thinking!

I've always wanted to be a good gift giver.  Ironic really, as I am generally the person who forgets everyone's birthday, and even if I remember, I somehow never quite get my act together in time to celebrate it.  For a few years now I've wanted to change that.  To not only remember and deliver on these special days, but make it special, by giving those I care about something which reflects how I feel about them.  Whether it is something I've made, or something I have carefully chosen made by another; it's always a little more personal and special if that something is handmade and not just an off-the-shelf-last-minute-thought.

I've probably left it a bit late again this year, to start organising now (particularly for the family in Australia), but I'm going to do my best.  

* Image from Buy Handmade

So excited...

AE Halloween MiniBook 2010 Promo from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

OMG I hope this is a sign of more to come!
Ali Edwards has just launched a new addition to her, already fabulous, website: a self-paced, downloadable class!

One of my all time favourite e-courses was Ali Edwards Yesterday Today class through Big Picture Scrapbooking, and in terms of storytelling with photographs, there is no one who does it quite like Ali Edwards in my eyes! For me she treads the fine line between scrapbooking and journalling with perfect design.

Halloween isn't such a big deal in the UK, although it appears to be growing annually, and even less so when you don't have kids; so her first project isn't necessarily my cup of tea.  Having said that, it shows great promise for what might be here in the future, and I am saving my pennies now!


My True Stories prompt today was powerful.
I caught a glimpse of it in my inbox, "...we're talking about memory flashes." just as Cam and I approached Radcliffe Camera, and I knew immediately what I would be writing about.

John was my first boyfriend.  My first love.  My first everything.
We met one drunken Halloween night where he later tried to unclip my bra in the backseat of a taxi (I didn't allow him!) before stumbling out of my life with my telephone number written on his palm.  
He didn't call.

After the intial disappointment and bruised ego, I didn't really think about John again until this foggy, thick-as-pea-soup, evening in late November.  I was out with two of my girlfriends, and we were all feeling a little cold and miserable, so were about to call it a night, when I heard someone say my name.   It was John.  Well actually, I later discovered it wasn't John, but his mate Alastair instead, but that's by the by...  Anyway, what followed was a suitably awkward exchange you would expect with the-boy-who-didn't-call, and we politely went our seperate ways. 

Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, all the Sweet Dreams novels I crammed in my earlier life came crashing into my reality, and I became possessed with this urgent need to find him again.   Dragging my poor friends  around the pubs of Oxford with me, I braved being asked for my ID (I was 15) with this bizarre and seemingly desperate urge. 

Now maybe time, and too many movies, have exaggerated my memory here, but what happened next does play like a scene from a film to me.   Jenny and Rachel were getting openly annoyed with me, so I had to concede to give up with one last attempt.  It was The Chequers and I see the scene as clear as day.  I walked in and around the bar, towards the pool table in the middle of the room.  There was an open arch beyond it and there, on the bench to the left, was John.  The guy in front of me bent down to take his shot, the crowds parted, and John looked up...

This was the flashback I had today when I saw Radcliffe Camera.  This was our spot.  Before they put up the black railings which now keep you at a distance.  This was where we would cuddle in the cold Winter nights, sharing our dreams, and stealing kisses. This is where the most memorable image I have of John is taken.  Sitting in this arch, looking like James Dean, in his brown leather jacket.
This is where I first fell in love.


Painting by the wonderful Katie Berggren

Today's True Stories prompt immediately bought to mind something I read a long time ago:

"Put a bird on your shoulder.  That's what the Buddhists do.  Just imagine a little bird on your shoulder and everyday you say, 'Is this the day I'm going to die, little bird?  Am I leading the life I want to lead?  Am I the person I want to be?'  If we accept the fact that we can die at any time, we'd lead our lives differently. 
So every day you say, 'Is this the day?'"
- Tuesdays with Morrie

IF the little bird was there to remind me each day of the precious time I have, what might be different?

When I started journalling, I realised I would change nothing and everything.
I noticed I was lucky enough to be in a position where I already live the life I wanted, although admittedly, the finer details predominantly live between the pages of my journals...
But I could effectively be leading the life I write about, today, IF I chose to.

All I needed was to transfer the words from the pages of my journal into every day action.
Put power behind the intent.
I need to, quite simply, just do it!

(Slightly late) Friday Find: Creating Action

Cam and I took a short break in rural Wales to take advantage of the fact my mum is in respite care for the week, and I foolishly assumed there would be Internet connection there.  Needless to say, there wasn't, hence the delayed Friday Find posting here.   The break was quite literally a wash out which I won't bore you with the details of now, but let's just say I am typing today because we cut the holiday short by 24 hours.  Yeah, that bad.

On a positive note though, via Kind over Matter, I came across this little gem from Tara Gentile, otherwise known as Scoutie Girl.   It seemed apt, following on from my post on Thursday, for me to actually try and take action.  So maybe this will help.

Do the Messy

I've been thinking about my e-course addiciton, and more importantly why, despite the best intentions and high expectations, I rarely complete any of the courses in its entirety.   Whilst chatting to one of my girlfriends recently, we realised we both share a similar relationship with our self-help books too, and decided the problem is we "don't like doing the messy."

We both love the rush of initially inspiration (seriously, nothing gets me more excited than reading the e-course introduction and the promise of all the potential I am going to uncover and reveal about myself...)  but never quite finish the journey.    I love the structure, the framework, the timetable to revelation.  But don't want to do the work inbetween, the stuff I am meant to figure out on my own.  It's too messy.

The Artist's Way is a classic example for me.  A course in book form, and have I made it past week 4?  Ever?  Don't get me wrong, I've read the entire book, but have I completed it?  So it is the same with e-courses.  I've read all the PDFs, watched all the videos, but when it comes to actually doing a little work myself... it somehow trails off.   

Is my fascination with e-courses about looking for the course that will complete me?  When all along I should just be completing the course?

You are your own muse

This week alone, I have become aware of 3 new e-courses being launched.
3 in one week!  And those are just the ones I know of. 
Hmm, Cam might need to take on a second job...

And just the name of this e-course had me swooning!
I literally had to sit on my hands this morning as I looked over Vivienne McMaster's debut into the World of E-courses.  You Are Your Own Muse sounds positively delicious, and I immediately had a musical montage in my mind of skipping through the gold and orange autumn forest in my red boots (which I don't actually own yet), taking evocative self portraits, and then barely able to contain the flood of blog posts which would result from my journey of self discovery... sigh.

In all seriousness, the course genuinely sounds empowering.  I love the concept of "putting yourself in the picture" and embracing who you are and where you are - both literally and figuratively.  For me, it would be a timely experience to balance the excitement of potential and the fear of change that is happening both within me and around me... 

Just not right now though.  There is such a thing as over-subscribing.  I should know!
Good job, I have a feeling the course will be a success and I will hopefully get the opportunity to do it in the future; but if anyone reading has signed up, please let me know how it goes so at least I can share some of it vicariously through you :)

* image by Vivienne McMaster

Eye Candy

Like many of the new generation of photographers, I am self taught.
I have a diary entry capturing the moment I realised photography was something I wanted to develop, and I likened the experience to suddenly realising you are in love with your best friend.  

I don't know why, but as I typed that, this scene came into my head; and you can't think of Some Kind of Wonderful without remembering this scene... Oh the classics from my youth...

Anyway, once I had made the decision, the Internet was like a treasure trove to me, and I found so many amazing photographers, artists really, whose work I admired.  Sheye Rosemeyer was one of my early discoveries, and to this day, her work still blows my mind.

She has such an distinctive style.  Ethereal.  Timeless.
I couldn't get enough.
So you can imagine my excitement when she announced her online workshops!
Look, the workshop site alone gives you a sampling of the attention to detail Sheye has.
Isn't it just divine?

I signed up for Evolve, and it was not a disappointment.
Unfortunately, at the time, photography and e-courses were still a very new concept to me, so I don't feel I took full advantage of the forum.   Since then I have grown and evolved so much, both as a photographer and blogger, I think I would gain a completely different experienceif I had the opportunity to do it all over again.  
Who knows, I may well sign up again the next time the workshop comes round! 

* image by Sheye Rosemeyer

The Story Catcher

Today is Day One of Shimelle's True Sories class, and I am only part way through the introductory email, when I was reminded of Jen Lee's Take Me With You journal.

I adore Jen Lee's site.  I love her podcasts and find her sweet voice so inspiring.
This story in particular really caught my imagination.

Do you believe in synchronicity?
I often heard that when you find the path you are meant to tread, mysterious doorways become open to you.  This is how I feel right now.
Interestingly enough, I actually have most of the tools already at my disposal.
Unwittingly I had been gathering them along the way.  Now I just need to learn how to use them.

Unfortunately Jen Lee's journal is currently sold out, but I am thankful I have a copy.
Some time ago Jen also ran a free online journal-a-long
Now might be the time for me to do it.

* image by Jen Lee

I signed up...

Okay, this video did it for me.
How could I resist?
Can you?

Friday Find: World-Changing Writing Workshop (in a box)

Rewind 9 years, I fancied myself as a bit of an activist.
My interest in social justice was piqued, and as we were living in Central London at the time, Cam and I participated in various protests and direct action campaigns.  I started studying International Development and environmental issues, and I felt passionate about making the World a better place.  I believed in the power of change.  In the the individual.  In the collective.  

Looking back now, I realise it wasn't just about politics.  It was about personal empowerment. 
It was about trusting my voice to be heard.

Changes creep in though.  Family obligation precipitated a move back to the County, and before we knew it, subsistence living became a priority. We got older.  Generally caught up in the machinations of everyday existence.  We became tired.  We are being responsible now.  Being grown-ups.  
I became quiet.

So when I first saw this workshop, despite the flicker of my earlier dreams, I quickly snuffed it out.
World changing writing was just a luxury I could not afford (both in time and money) to learn. 
What did I really have to say, after all?  So I reluctantly let it pass me by... 

Apparently there's been some seismic energy shifts in the World of late.  I know my personal World has been shifting quite dramatically recently, and I am reaching towards my mondo beyondo dreams more openly.  So maybe it is no coincidence that this link re-appeared in my life. 

A Friday Find indeed, Pace and Kyeli Smith are offering the World-Changing Writing Workshop on a pay what you can afford sale until Saturday, 23 October 2010.   Sometimes when there's a blatant signpost from the Universe, you just got to follow it.

* image from World Changing Writing
* link to this fabulous offer was found via Goddess Leonie

Pretty paper and true stories

Before I was a blogger, probation worker, photographer; I was a scrapbooker.
I didn't know that was what I did, but for the first four years of our marriage, on our anniversary, I would present Cam with an album of the last year we shared together.  It contained anything from photos, to emails, to ticket stubs, and those initial albums are amongst my most treasured possessions now.  Seriously.  You think you won't forget the good times, but as the days, months and years come inbetween those memories, they do get lost.  Looking through them today, I am reminded how much we have actually accomplished and done as a couple, and that makes me happy - my only regret is that I didn't continue with it for the last 5 years!

Anyway, it was this creative journey which led me to discover the blogs which would later transform my World, and amongst the first (if not the first) was Shimelle Laine.

Although she now offers a range of online classes, back in the time, she was just launching her Journal Your Christmas class which also became my first online class experience.  Again, I didn't complete the course (are you sensing a pattern here?) , but one of the great things about Shimelle's classes are: once you've registered, you stay registered! So each year the class rolls round, I start with the best intentions all over the again.  Maybe 2010 is going to be my year :) 

Now, I am not a traditional scrapbooker as such.  I don't actually have the patience (or ability!) to embellish my pages and I've found, from past experience, trying to do so just frustrates me more than anything else!  However I love the concept of preserving my memories.  So, although Shimelle mixes it all up with pretty papers, it's ultimately her true stories which inspire me.  Take a look at her blog and you will see it's literally overflowing with tips, free projects and even cupcake recipes.  It just makes me want to grab a cuppa, roll up my sleeves and get creative!

The reason I am blogging about Shimelle today however, is she is just about to launch a new class.
I feel my e-course bone twitching, and I am trying to resist all my urges to sign up now.  But it looks so good, and is right up my alley... and for only £10, despite the scary economic climate and recent spending review, I can afford it, right...?

image from shimelle

Goddess Circle

Now if you want an unbelievably good, value-for-money, e-course experience, Goddess Leonie of Goddess Guidebook currently has a very generous offer

I took Leonie's first e-course sometime ago, and although I didn't complete the course (I have all the materials downloaded and ready to go again!) I came away from that experience with much more than I could have ever hope for - because it was on that course where I "met" the amazing LeonieWise who in turn organised a meet up which would later blossom into the BBC*  This totally reaffirms the connection aspect of an e-course which I love, and I know has similarly transformed the lives of others too.

Anyway, I digress.  So, back to darling Leonie who is as colourful as her artwork... 
Have a look at her blog, and you will probably fall in love too with this gorgeous woman who positively overflows with enthusiasm.  Truth be known, I'm not very comfortable with being called a Goddess, but I like what it represents.  I like that her courses are about exploring our creativity, replenishing our bodies, and being comfortable with who we are.  Seeing how comfortable Leonie is with herself inspires the same.  I adore her energy and, even though I am a lot less gregarious and extrovert, she makes me smile.  Now that has to be a good thing, right?

Within the Goddess Circle there are currently 3 e-courses (amongst other goodies) available, and although they are archived materials from the original run courses, there are new cycles of the courses starting within the Circle all the time; so for example, today begins a new cycle of the Radiant Goddess e-course which I'm hoping to join in on.  Also, despite being a new mum, Leonie continues to share herself online and still takes the time to respond personally in most of the discussions taking place in the Goddess Circle.  

I'll report back on how I get on with the Radiant Goddess e-course.
Day One is always full of good intentions, although I feel I may have hit a stumbling block already by having completed my weekly shop before consulting the 86 page recipe guide.  Oops.

Tip #1  Check the menu and get necessary ingredients BEFORE the start of any course which involves modifying your eating habits!

* BBC = 7 wonders of the World Susannah, Emma, Leonie, Sas, Meg, Lisa and Jo

image from Goddess Guidebook

What is an e-course?

I forwarded my blog link to a friend last night and she came back with a very good question:
"I still don't really understand what an e-course is..."

So for the benefit of dear Emma, and anyone else who might not fully understand how an e-course works, here's a quick and basic summary ~

E-course is basically shorthand for electronic course.  Much like e-mail stands for electronic mail.
As such the entire course is conducted online, often utilising various tools, from private blogs and discussion boards, to videos and audio files.  Many courses are run in real time, so although you don't have to all be online at the same time, overall everyone is working within a designated time frame.

The great benefit of e-courses is the accessibilty.  So long as you have access to an Internet connection, you can participate.  And you will often be doing so alongside others from all over the World.  It's quite the experience, and gives a whole new meaning to the World Wide Web :)

For me, the true Queen and pioneer of successful e-courses, is Susannah Conway who runs the hugely successful Unravelling e-courses.  She actually gives a wonderful introduction to how her e-course works in a video here, and I often use her course and professionalism as a benchmark against which I consider other e-courses being offered.  I'll be blogging more about my experience unravelling in the near future.

Other e-courses are packaged into self paced e-books or give you access to private classrooms which can be downloaded/accessed immediately and worked through in your own time; for example Big Picture Scrapbooking offer both real time workshops and self paced projects.   I will be featuring a review of my previous Big Picture Scrapbooking classes soon too.

Obviously this is by no means a comprehensive guide to how e-courses work or what is available, but hopefully it gives you a general understanding.  As I post about different e-courses in the future, I'll be sure to give consideration to how the course is delivered, so as to give a more complete picture of what can be expected.

What's credible?

One of the new e-course offerings which really caught my eye recently (possibly due to the gorgeous photography accompanying it's marketing) is Kaye-Lee Pantony's Sublime course.

I found myself thinking about the (pre)adolescent girl I was, and whether I too was carefree and fearless.
(Kaye-Lee's premise being that as we enter puberty, we enter a "vortex" which often strips us of the vitality and essence that is uniquely us.)  I liked that she made me think about that, and seemed to offer a different doorway to accessing my creative and authentic self
I was intrigued.

I tried to find out more about Kaye-Lee, but it seems her blog was created about the same time as the conception of her e-course.  It's funny, because although that should in no way invalidate the potency of her e-course, for me, it caused me to hesitate.  It seems I have some expectation that I should be able to see the credentials a workshop leader brings.  It's odd, cause I wouldn't demand to see my GPs medical degree, or my hairdressers qualifications, but I most certainly do expect to see my potential e-course leaders blood, sweat and tears, over at least one years worth of posting!  Is this just me?

Nevertheless, there is enough about Kaye-Lee's  e-course to keep me interested.
The Fall session has already started and they are still accepting latecomers.
I'm sitting this one out, but I'm keeping my eye on this course. 
There could be some magic there.

* image from Kaye-Lee Pantony

Blogging My Way

I've just signed up for the decor8 newsletter so I get priority notification of the next Blogging Your Way e-course.  It sounds perfect for what I need right now.

With topics including:
* A list of things that you may want to include on your blog
* Finding your niche & your voice
* Writing from the heart
* Creative post ideas
* Overcoming fear & writer's block
* Sourcing your content
* Photo copyright
* Community building
* How to build your readership
* Dealing with negativity
* Marketing
* Blog ads
* Social networking
* Tips for taking better blog photos

Why, oh why did I miss the last enrollement!

* image from decor8


Ever since taking my first e-course, I was hooked.
I love everything about them.
The inspiration.  The connection.  The creativity.  The possibility.
All bundled up in 6 weeks online, or sometimes even more instaneously, in an immediately downloadable, self paced e-book.
I cannot get enough of them.

However it seems as if they are suddenly popping up everywhere, and I can barely keep up with all the new offerings!
Like a child in a candystore, I am overwhelmed with the choice there is now, so I started this blog to catergorise my new, or not so new, e-course discoveries.