There's no hope for me...

I took an inadvertent blogging break recently whilst deciding whether this blog had a place in my life.  I am trying to build a business, and I worried that this blog (not to mention it's contents) were having a detrimental effect on the more serious work I should be undertaking.

Then this popped up, then this, and this, and this!

I will be blogging about them all at some point or another I am sure.
But today the spotlight it on Blog Love E-course.
I am tempted.  Seriously tempted, and one of the main arguments going on in my head is: "It will be good for business!"  See, I am so crafty; by making it sound like a business investment, it somehow it becomes more justifiable!

Jokes aside though, I do think blogging will play a large part of any small business in the future.  As we move from the invisible mass market, to the individual and personal - a blog can be the defining factor.  In fact one of the brides who booked me recently actually said, "I especially love the blog as well- it clinched it for me!" So thinking more carefully about the message it displays about me, about my business, can only serve me well...  All that for $32.  Can you really argue?

* image from Red Velvet Art


  1. Oooh, the Blog Love e-course IS tempting. You're such a bad influence on me! ;D Still... I might do it. I enjoy blogging (when I'm actually doing it) and I love the connections I make from it. The class sounds like it would help me give my blog direction. It just feels so random right now.

    How do you come across all these classes?

  2. I know! I'm bad for myself :)
    Got the log in details today for this Blog Love course... first impressions are good! Go on, treat yourself - can be an early Xmas present!

    I have no idea how I come across the courses, I wish I didn't see so many I want to do!!

  3. I am really tempted by the Blog love course, I am not a business though, I just want to love blogging again.... *sigh*


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