Buy Handmade

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

This year I really want to take a step closer to something I have been thinking about for a long time.
Yes, I am going to try and move closer to the doing, as opposed to being stuck in the thinking!

I've always wanted to be a good gift giver.  Ironic really, as I am generally the person who forgets everyone's birthday, and even if I remember, I somehow never quite get my act together in time to celebrate it.  For a few years now I've wanted to change that.  To not only remember and deliver on these special days, but make it special, by giving those I care about something which reflects how I feel about them.  Whether it is something I've made, or something I have carefully chosen made by another; it's always a little more personal and special if that something is handmade and not just an off-the-shelf-last-minute-thought.

I've probably left it a bit late again this year, to start organising now (particularly for the family in Australia), but I'm going to do my best.  

* Image from Buy Handmade

1 comment:

  1. I think one of the things that attracted me to the video you posted for True Stories is the idea of handwriting a letter. It sounds so simple, but e-mails and Facebook has definitely made it easy to get lazy about it. ONE year I actually did the personally made Christmas cards for everyone. I wish I kept it up.

    Good luck with this project!


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