Friday Find: World-Changing Writing Workshop (in a box)

Rewind 9 years, I fancied myself as a bit of an activist.
My interest in social justice was piqued, and as we were living in Central London at the time, Cam and I participated in various protests and direct action campaigns.  I started studying International Development and environmental issues, and I felt passionate about making the World a better place.  I believed in the power of change.  In the the individual.  In the collective.  

Looking back now, I realise it wasn't just about politics.  It was about personal empowerment. 
It was about trusting my voice to be heard.

Changes creep in though.  Family obligation precipitated a move back to the County, and before we knew it, subsistence living became a priority. We got older.  Generally caught up in the machinations of everyday existence.  We became tired.  We are being responsible now.  Being grown-ups.  
I became quiet.

So when I first saw this workshop, despite the flicker of my earlier dreams, I quickly snuffed it out.
World changing writing was just a luxury I could not afford (both in time and money) to learn. 
What did I really have to say, after all?  So I reluctantly let it pass me by... 

Apparently there's been some seismic energy shifts in the World of late.  I know my personal World has been shifting quite dramatically recently, and I am reaching towards my mondo beyondo dreams more openly.  So maybe it is no coincidence that this link re-appeared in my life. 

A Friday Find indeed, Pace and Kyeli Smith are offering the World-Changing Writing Workshop on a pay what you can afford sale until Saturday, 23 October 2010.   Sometimes when there's a blatant signpost from the Universe, you just got to follow it.

* image from World Changing Writing
* link to this fabulous offer was found via Goddess Leonie

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