Friday Find: Inspiration Everywhere

I really want my Friday Finds to be something that nourishes creativity without necessarily a financial cost, and I was struggling to come up with something new this week.  Then, as if by magic, a tweet from Ali Edwards comes flying in, introducing her new sponsor, Jessica Sprague.

A quick link across, and Jessica is hosting a 10 day free e-class covering "five different paths to inspiration." 10 days sounds positively do-able!

I've never taken a Jessica Sprague class before, although I know she was a pioneer in digital scrapbooking,  and has built up a diverse range of classes since.  I have often been curious, so this is the perfect opportunity to dip my toes in. 

1 comment:

  1. hmmm ... so quiet? does that mean you are busy working on your courses? i am winding down a few and looking forward to a little rest this december (yeah, i know, something or someone will tempt me ... perhaps that saying about idle hands is more firmly embedded in my subconsciousness than i ever imagined?)

    so ... i come to you oh ecourse guru and ask: do you know anything about amelia critchlow's course? i love her blog and this sounds pretty darn fun! come on, clear your calendar and join me! (i haven't committed yet ...)

    xo Lis


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